A very short blog post for today, but I thought it an important one to get across to you.
Have you noticed the URL on Amazon when you click on a book?
I work with many authors, maybe that’s obvious… 🙂
One thing most of them all have in common is they always send me the Amazon URL which often runs over a few lines, such as this: <sorry Dawn I am using you as an example>
There are two things wrong with this link, do you know what they are?
Firstly Dawn has sent me the Amazon.com URL, but I know that she lives in the UK… and even though I live in France, I always shop on the UK site (for books at least). An easy way of changing it to the UK version is just overtyping the .com in the address line at the top with .co.uk and press enter.
Secondly, the URL she sent me is rather long because this includes the search she carried out to find the book on Amazon. You can easily make these URL’s cleaner by deleting most of it, and it will still work. The cleaner URL will look like this: <and I have changed it to UK – just for me of course>
If you’re an affiliate on Amazon then you just add in your code at the end of the URL above.
So when you’re emailing out the link to your book on Amazon to friends and family, try to make it look cleaner, and perhaps you’ll receive more clicks on it.
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