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Author: Tamsin CoatesASIN: B00I5VQAAK
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In her previous book ‘Meanwhile I keep Dancing’ (available on Action Deafness Books) Tamsin told the story of her family, the struggles and emotions they faced following the diagnosis that both of her sons were profoundly deaf. Now she takes up the story once more to share their journey as the boys grow, reaching towards teenage years and independence. Since making key decisions around intervention for her children when they were pre-schoolers, the family have now faced consequences from these choices and deliberated over new decisions along the way. As Cameron and Campbell have made transitions in education and begun to grow into their own identity as deaf young people Tamsin reflects on the differences in how their hearing loss, and associated symptoms affect them differently physically, socially and emotionally now at this stage in their lives in comparison to when they were younger.
A Changing Skyline describes the new challenges the author and her sons have faced as they have embarked upon their journey into what is for their family uncharted territory as the image of her sons growing into independent adults who need to take over the responsibility of decisions within their life comes more sharply into focus for Tamsin. This is a narrative which will resonate with many parents whose children have changed before their eyes into young people – forming their own identity and planning for their future.
More specifically this book and the stories shared within it hold examples which many parents of deaf children, or who have children with other special needs, will identify with as they seek a way to learn to step back from holding all the control for the intervention and choices in their children’s lives – a task which is made harder by the level of care and vigilance which has been needed up to this point in their lives – and learn to let go.