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Author: Dominic HollandASIN: B00AVNSHQ0
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A Man’s Life is a life affirming novel about friendship, drawing on the universal theme of fate and how things might happen for a reason and in ways that we sometimes least expect.
It is a story of a friendship that blossoms some thirty years after a brief encounter between two school boys, Tom Harper and Paddy Gilmore. As adults, both men are in crisis and despairing. A tragedy in Tom’s life rekindles this childhood memory and forces him home from London to the Midlands to reconnect with a boy he barely knew.
An unlikely friendship develops and a beautiful syngery slowly emerges. Unbeknownst to them both, what each man needs is precisely what the other has to give.
A single and fleeting encounter in a school playground but one with profound consequences. It forces the two men together again and in doing so, they save each other’s life.
Judge a man by what he does and not what he has.
A Man’s Life is a heart rending love story that will move readers from tears to laughter and joy. A book that celebrates the human spirit and values love above all else.
Dominic Holland has made his living by observing human nature. With a beautiful story of love and loss, he shines a brilliant light on human nature that reflects us all. Our vulnerability and our impotence and our need for other people and their love to complete us as human beings.