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Author: Annie DavisonBuy the Book: Amazon
During the years from 1970 to 1995, there were times in moments of crisis when Annie (Wilson) Davison would not have wished the Spiritual Journey on her worst enemy.
From the age of twenty-four - a writer on the teenage magazine Petticoat, and later as a researcher on the Parkinson Programme - she began intuitively opening to the psychic and spiritual gaze. From 1975 the journey to consciousness - through the emergence of The Feminine Principle and the integration of 'light and dark', spirit and matter - began in earnest. These years brought karmic relationships and untold adventures to a life which, as an astrologer once suggested, was 'more bizarre than she would wish for herself'.
Those heady days behind her, she now looks back, knowing she would not have missed this Adventure for the world.