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Author: Mark Ryder-JonesBuy the Book: Amazon
Born into rural working class on a country estate in Sussex, England, Aspen Gayle learns from an early age that tragic events can have a silver lining. When her father volunteers to join the British Army and is killed in the Flanders trenches, her widowed mother marries a mill owner - and Aspen is thrust into a family with financial means.
The novel begins when Aspen is eighteen and returns from private boarding school. Young men clamour to make her acquaintance, one of them heir to the estate at Vernay Park. Aspen's star looks set to continue its ascent – but this is the 1930's and the spectre of fascism is spreading across a darkening Europe. In Britain, Blackshirts march the streets. The close association Aspen cultivates with the aristocratic occupants of Vernay Park, draws her into a world where privilege comes at a high price, amorality manifests itself in political and sexual forms, and scandal and ruin are only one poor decision away…