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Author: Jen PattisonBuy the Book: Amazon
“How could I have been so stupid?” That was Jen Pattison’s overwhelming thought when reflecting on too many years of living on the edge with overspending and juggling credit payments.
It all collapsed when an unexpected crisis happened in her life. This is a familiar story for many people, and she will help to guide you out of the debt problems that have blighted your life with practical solutions and ways to save money. She will help you to think more deeply about what led you into overspending, by casting a critical eye on the insecurities in modern British life and the subtle and insidious forces that seduce customers into spending on things that they don’t need - aspects that are common in other countries too.
This is a call to everyone struggling with debt to break free of this hell – becoming debt-free will liberate you, improve your life and you will never look back. No matter how much you owe, you can do it!