How I Set Up A Training Business In 5 Chapters: If I Can, You Can!

Formatted for eBook

Author: Hilary Nunns
Buy the Book: Amazon


This book provides details of how Hilary Nunns started her training business from scratch and with scant business acumen. She quickly secured one small contract and now has:

* An annual schedule of fixed-date training programmes
* Digital programmes, produced and selling
* A client list of almost 200 organisations and just short of 23,000 individuals, using her services several times a year
* Online/home study programmes, produced and selling
* Training topics created and delivered UK-wide (and international!)
* Several accredited courses which have sold all over the UK

Hilary created this content-rich ‘training in a book’ with marketing tips, templates, resources and good old fashioned advice. It outlines some of the pitfalls to avoid, and provides the reader with simple strategies to get started and flourish.