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Author: Raymond Khoury, Steve BerryASIN: B019QQYP72
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From New York Times bestselling authors Raymond Khoury and Steve Berry comes a unique and wildly original short story, published exclusively as a Kindle ebook.
It’s been ten years since FBI agent Sean Reilly and retired Justice Department operative Cotton Malone got dragged around the globe on their separate Templar adventures. They’d never worked on a case together—until now.
Something’s afoot in London, England. American specialists have gone missing. Intel chatter points to a major terrorist plot in the works. And a familiar keyword links to both Reilly and Malone.
The two agents are urgently despatched to London where they discover a plot that’s more personal, and more surprising, than they could have possibly imagined (and that involves an author or two that you might recognise).
It's like nothing you've read before.
Includes exclusive sneak peeks at Raymond Khoury’s next Reilly novel, THE END GAME, and Steve Berry’s next Cotton Malone novel, THE 14th COLONY.