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Author: Karon H GrieveBuy the Book: Amazon
This little book is all about Christmas and how to make the whole thing so much easier on your mind and easier on your pocket too.
Over 50 recipes and ideas, from creating simply stylish cards and the most amazingly easy Christmas cake – with just a dash of chilli chocolate – to delightful homemade baubles and Christmas cocktails that will make any party swing!
This is Christmas the easy way, Karon shows you how to plan, cook, craft, save money and keep a smile on your face throughout the festive season.
Karon is the Homecrafts Expert on BBC Radio Scotland’s McAulay & Co Show and regularly does talks and demos on making everything from foody gifts to clever wrapping ideas, working with herbs and keeping things as easy and natural as possible. She writes a popular daily blog at www.karongrieve.com.