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Author: Nicholas BarrettBuy the Book: Amazon
Grab that bucket and spade Kids! It’s a glorious Summer at St Onans. Maybe...
Tune in to Academy TV, then meet some un-Roman Romans and Hereward the (almost) awake.
Try a Time-Travelling holiday through “The Vortex” (luggage extra...)
Nicky suffers more teenage angst – and the Rev suffers a severe attack of Stan...
A fellow student performs miracles, and a riot is in progress at a local hotel.
M19 Agents have a secret weapon – Mrs Stokes, and an evil Criminal is unmasked.
The Groundlings arise (nearly), as ex-Head Goodwill turns the screw.
With the annual cricket match being invaded by Genghis Khan and his lads, drunken dressage being performed at a local horse show, possibly the world’s slowest police chase, a roof-top protest to resolve, and an alien life-form to sober up; it’s looking like just another term for the inhabitants of St Onans Academy.
Take another ride on the riotous rollercoaster of weird and wonderful goings-on...
All this – and some serious Rock and Roll! Don’t drop your ice-cream...Summer Term- The Darling buds of Mayhem
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