Formatted for eBook
Author: Gavin GriffithsBuy the Book: Amazon
The Accidental Pornographer is about a man getting into trouble. It’s the true story of how a wannabe entrepreneur bought his way into a famous erotic magazine and slowly got sucked into the fetid underbelly of the adult entertainment industry.
It’s a tale of thwarted ambition, of highs and lows, and even lower lows, of finding yourself, losing yourself and then finding yourself again. Along the road, strewn with tatty feather boas and broken dreams, he meets a host of characters including exhibitionists, opportunists, a Welsh dildo salesman, spankers, strippers, phone sex operators, a few masters of the universe and a couple of his all-time heroes.
As well as peeking behind the curtain of a hidden world, The Accidental Pornographer is a real life case study in throwing your chips in the air and living the entrepreneurial dream. A story of hope and fear, opportunity and adversity, friendship and loyalty. Sort of like an epic Greek fable. Except without washboard stomachs. Or Minotaurs. Joined by an intrepid team of fellow adventurers, he sets sail into the unknown only to be undone almost immediately.
But I’m giving too much away already. Buy it. Read it. Sail with me on my erotically charged journey to the end of the world.