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Author: Alexander MoranBuy the Book: Amazon
Johnny, also known as “Johnny1969”, is a hardened veteran of the online dating scene, with the scars to show for it. In the last fifteen years, he has spent countless hours online and a small fortune on drinks and restaurants. He knows that he is clever, articulate, well maintained and funny – a catch for any woman looking for love. His carefully generated persona is supported by vigilant diet, an exercise regimen, studio photos, and personal grooming. He has spent the years finely tuning his repertoire of anecdotes and self-deprecating humour, but in all the women he has dated and loved, he has still not found the perfect one.
The constant search has become almost an obsession to the detriment of his life, leaving him stuck in a dead end job that is beneath his talents and still living in a house that is partly a building site. However, time is not on Johnny’s side. The big “five oh” is months away and it has brought on unwelcome recollections of his lost love, a failed marriage, countless relationships and a once promising career. The terrifying realisation is dawning on him that the best years have already passed, raising uncomfortable questions about what he has done with his life and where things are going. The world he grew up in is disappearing, leaving him feeling increasingly irrelevant, and the safe sphere he has created is collapsing. Before Johnny can move forward, he needs to make sense of his past, and put his life in order to avoid becoming a toxic bachelor.