Titus Andronicus Scott

Titus Andronicus Scott by Doug Turnbull

Formatted for eBook

Author: Doug Turnbull
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February 25, 1956: “Ship down and all is well.” These six words recorded the landing of the first manned spacecraft on Mars. This book tells the story of the events that led to that momentous, but heretofore unrecorded occasion, and the story of the fabulous character who wrote those words.

When Lieutenant Carson Greer was assigned as an aide to his boyhood hero, aviation pioneer Titus Andronicus Scott, it seemed like a dream come true. He couldn’t know then that the assignment would last twelve years and make him witness to the fabulous career of his hero as an aircraft engineer, movie maker, airline executive and finally space traveler. Join Carson as he and Colonel Scott discover that what they thought was a Nazi treasure cave near an obscure ancient town in North Africa, actually harbors a secret that will change their lives and eventually the world, forever.

Latest in the Alien Artifact series of books and stories, this novel takes the reader on a non-stop ride from the darkest days of World War Two through the dawn of the Space Age. Climb aboard and fasten your safety belt!