Formatted for eBook
Author: Darren SmithsonBuy the Book: Amazon
WMDK&WCTT looks at 18 areas of concern that if handled correctly can improve your management & leadership skills whilst enabling your organisation to not only succeed in the current climate, but even grow. These 18 areas then form the foundation steps to enacting The 12 Principles for Success, principles based on 25 years experience and the latest research. Each of the 30 chapters has easy to follow strategies, tools and/or tips for implementing the ideas in each, as well as an imagined interactive Q&A section to enhance the meanings to be found.
You’ll also find out why mavericks should be encouraged; what your staff really mean to your business; what King Arthur, Einstein & Confucius can do to help you be a better manager and create a better, happier and more successful organisation. Also find out if you should be a rebel in the FDG, who or what the unexpected guest is and how he can ruin your business; and what the hell 99 monkeys have got to do with developing your business success- all in this entertaining, easy to follow, and content rich book.