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Author: Bettina JonicBuy the Book: Amazon
A Ditty Full of Old Muck (text from 1st act of Happy Days by Samuel Beckett) was started as an isolated piece written in 1989 called ‘A buried lady called Winnie, Sam and me’ as a preparation to direct Happy Days…
Beckett was still alive.
When he died in December of that year Bettina, in her own words, “aborted the project and slowly over a long period of time – ten years to be exact – wrote different pieces (all dated). Each stands on its own, some kind of a linked narrative was never intended… nor publication considered at the time …”
Please read this book in a landscape mode – text’s layout is very specific and this way you will be able to enjoy the narrative best.
Drawing for the book cover was created by Charlotte Johnson Wahl and is based on Winnie from Beckett’s Happy Days.