A Beginner’s Guide to Marketing Your Self Published eBook Many of you would have signed up for my eBook Marketing Course back in 2013… well the course is now an eBook, and it’s been massively updated since 2013, with a brand new section on social media advertising! The eBook is available now on Amazon as a […]
How to Successfully Market Your eBook
Latest Formatted Books
It’s been a very long time since I wrote a blog post on this website, it’s partly because I am really busy formatting books that I don’t have a lot of time to talk about formatting them. So in this very brief message, I am still here, drowning in many books to format… and if you’re […]
Review: New Oxford Dictionary for Writers & Editors
A review of New Oxford Dictionary for Writers & Editors, kindly written by Anne Coates. Anne Coates is an editor and author who has published seven non-fiction books including Applying to University 2014 (Need-2-Know), Parenting Without Tears Guide to Living with Teenagers and Parenting Without Tears Guide to Loving Discipline (both Endeavour Press) plus two […]
New Release Spotlight: Red Bride’s Noose
by Alexandra Swistak Synopsis: Being a girl in a Sikh family can be a real killer. Camille Hayer should be preparing for a job interview—not ordered to pack her bags for a cousin’s wedding in rural Orissa. India is the last place on earth she would go to willingly; it’s where her sister disappeared thirteen […]
Review: Writing your Nonfiction Book
A review of Writing Your Nonfiction Book: The Complete Guide to Becoming an Author by Trish Nicholson, published by Collca, kindly written by Anne Coates. Anne Coates is an editor and author who has published seven non-fiction books including Applying to University 2014 (Need-2-Know), Parenting Without Tears Guide to Living with Teenagers and Parenting Without Tears […]
5 Tips: Using images in eBooks
Generally speaking fiction books don’t use images, although I have formatted a few that do. The majority of non-fiction books have images of some sort, whether they are diagrams or photo’s for a memoirs style book. If you’re planning on formatting your book yourself then there are some things you need to be aware of […]
My Life as a Writer
Mark Woods is an aspiring author and a full-time Chef just starting on his writing career. He has several short stories published or forthcoming and is working on his first full length novel. You can connect with him on his Facebook Author Page, follow his Blog and check out all his collected fiction on his Amazon page. My name is Mark […]
Review: How to Write and Publish Non-Fiction by Fiona Shoop
A review of How to Write and Publish Non-Fiction by Fiona Shoop, kindly written by Anne Coates. Anne Coates is an editor and author who has published seven non-fiction books including Applying to University 2014 (Need-2-Know), Parenting Without Tears Guide to Living with Teenagers and Parenting Without Tears Guide to Loving Discipline (both Endeavour Press) […]
Amazon URL’s
A very short blog post for today, but I thought it an important one to get across to you. Have you noticed the URL on Amazon when you click on a book? I work with many authors, maybe that’s obvious… 🙂 One thing most of them all have in common is they always send me […]
Review Advice from Bookbag
At www.thebookbag.co.uk, we have been reviewing books for the best part of a decade. Our site contains almost 9,000 reviews and we still get a little frisson of anticipation every time we begin reading something new. And we still read reviews by others with great enthusiasm, looking for something new and interesting. Readers are like […]