eBook Formatting – Use Excel to type your TOC Chapters

eBook Formatting Tips Series – Video 2

You may have seen my second eBook formatting video, it is along the same lines as the previous video eBook Formatting – Creating a Linked Table of Contents Manually.

Unusually this is something I only thought about doing one day while I was formatting an eBook, even though I knew the wonders of Microsoft Excel I didn’t connect it to how I could use it when formatting eBooks.

To view the video on YouTube, here is the link – eBook Formatting – Use Excel to type your TOC Chapters

Please note I don’t use html in my formatting, I use Microsoft Word and format according to the Smashwords Premium Catalogue requirements.

For more eBook formatting tips, take a look at another of my blog posts 5 Little-Known Tips to Improve your eBook Formatting.

Please feel free to share my video on all your social media networks and subscribe to my YouTube channel to keep up to date with the video series.


  1. Thanks! This totally helps my ebook formatting.

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