Generally speaking fiction books don’t use images, although I have formatted a few that do. The majority of non-fiction books have images of some sort, whether they are diagrams or photo’s for a memoirs style book. If you’re planning on formatting your book yourself then there are some things you need to be aware of […]
Formatting Tip: Creating Styles
I had planned on creating a video for today’s post, but my voice doesn’t get much use now I work from home (unless talking to the dog) so my attempt failed – but I will get one done soon I promise. I have decided to show you some screenshots on how to create a style […]
12 Steps to Format an eBook
After formatting books for some time now I decided that I would create a very simple Microsoft Word template which authors can use to write their books (for those who like writing in Word obviously). It’s basically a blank document, but the styles I have set-up are all ready to be used to create a […]
The Importance of Being Ernest About Editing
By James A Bresco James A Bresco. A well traveled and freedom loving adventurous male. James, a confirmed bachelor, closer to sixty than ever before, is passionate about writing and sailing, loves cooking; and thrives on Asian food, James lives aboard his boat and has no plans of going ashore, just yet. The day my […]