A very short blog post for today, but I thought it an important one to get across to you. Have you noticed the URL on Amazon when you click on a book? I work with many authors, maybe that’s obvious… 🙂 One thing most of them all have in common is they always send me […]
Sep 26, 2013
Amazon URL’s
By Jo
Filed Under: Blog Tagged With: Amazon, amazon kindle, author help, self publishing, tips
May 20, 2013
Authors Beware: Amazon Could Remove Your Book!!
By Jo

When someone posts a review on Amazon it goes through a review process, personally I have never had any reviews rejected by their moderation, or removed following publication, but it seems others have! In particular there was an article published on the Forbes website entitled Amazon Tackles Review Problem, Deletes Wrong Reviews. This article was published in […]
Filed Under: Blog Tagged With: Amazon, author help, reviews