It’s been a very long time since I wrote a blog post on this website, it’s partly because I am really busy formatting books that I don’t have a lot of time to talk about formatting them. So in this very brief message, I am still here, drowning in many books to format… and if you’re […]
Latest Formatted Books
5 Tips: Using images in eBooks
Generally speaking fiction books don’t use images, although I have formatted a few that do. The majority of non-fiction books have images of some sort, whether they are diagrams or photo’s for a memoirs style book. If you’re planning on formatting your book yourself then there are some things you need to be aware of […]
Hyperlinked Footnotes

If you’re publishing your eBook through Smashwords then you cannot use the inbuilt footnotes in Microsoft Word. As far as I’m aware Amazon will convert these, but Smashwords will flatly refuse. I managed to get round this by coming up with a way of keeping your footnotes, but format them slightly differently. It’s fiddly, so […]
eBook Formatting – Use Excel to type your TOC Chapters
eBook Formatting Tips Series – Video 2 You may have seen my second eBook formatting video, it is along the same lines as the previous video eBook Formatting – Creating a Linked Table of Contents Manually. Unusually this is something I only thought about doing one day while I was formatting an eBook, even though I […]
Slideshare: Do’s & Don’ts of eBook Formatting
I signed up to Slideshare some weeks ago with the intention of uploading some presentations about eBook formatting. I did start one, but didn’t get round to finishing it because it didn’t flow very well. Over the weekend I decided to try again and what I did was I repurposed an old blog post and […]
Exploding Book – No, it’s The Nuclear Method!

My new blogging schedule which is now in full swing also includes providing you with a YouTube video on eBook formatting tips once per month. I had planned to create it in the middle of the month, but seem to have got ahead of myself. Last week I created a very short video on how […]
Book Formatting – New Goodreads Group
Formatting your first eBook can be a daunting task, I often see people screaming on Twitter about how difficult they are finding the process. I offer many of them some help and advice, I don’t like to push the hard sell because I want to be helpful, I want people to give it a go […]
5 Little-Known Tips to Improve your eBook Formatting
All these tips you can find online yourself by doing a simple search, but you need to know what you’re looking for. When I come across a problem when I am formatting an eBook I search online and 9 out of 10 times I come up with an answer. My opinion on eBook formatting is […]
Formatting Tip: Creating Styles

I had planned on creating a video for today’s post, but my voice doesn’t get much use now I work from home (unless talking to the dog) so my attempt failed – but I will get one done soon I promise. I have decided to show you some screenshots on how to create a style […]
Self Publishing & eBooks – 5 Most Popular Posts

I haven’t been blogging for long on this blog, but I thought I would do a stats post today, just in case you have missed some of the more popular posts. Number 5 Do’s & Don’ts of eBook Formatting I originally posted this on my other blog, but when I launched this new blog I […]