12 Steps to Format an eBook

After formatting books for some time now I decided that I would create a very simple Microsoft Word template which authors can use to write their books (for those who like writing in Word obviously). It’s basically a blank document, but the styles I have set-up are all ready to be used to create a […]

How are eBooks Evolving?

Do you own any eBooks which have ‘extras’?  By extras I mean similar to a DVD when they have the bonus features, or maybe video or animation. Like everything else these days, eBooks are evolving as I speak and I have already had an enquiry this year about placing video within an eBook.  I found out that […]

Do’s & Don’ts of eBook Formatting

When I receive manuscripts from authors there is usually some strange formatting going on.  I have noticed that the authors I work with the most, take the time to look at what I do when I format their eBooks and try and get the original manuscript over to me in a better state.   I […]

eBook Formatting – Creating a Linked Table of Contents Manually

eBook Formatting Tips Series – Video 1 When I started to think about having a channel on YouTube I wasn’t really sure what sort of videos I would create. After having had a steady stream of eBooks to format over the last couple of months and many people on my social media networks asking me […]