It’s been a very long time since I wrote a blog post on this website, it’s partly because I am really busy formatting books that I don’t have a lot of time to talk about formatting them. So in this very brief message, I am still here, drowning in many books to format… and if you’re […]
12 Steps to Format an eBook
After formatting books for some time now I decided that I would create a very simple Microsoft Word template which authors can use to write their books (for those who like writing in Word obviously). It’s basically a blank document, but the styles I have set-up are all ready to be used to create a […]
Paperback or eBook?
Enquirers sometimes ask me whether they should publish a paperback or an eBook, so I thought I should let you all know my opinion on this subject. eBooks are very easy to publish now we have the likes of Amazon KDP and Smashwords. You write your book, get it proofread, format it yourself or get […]
The Importance of Being Ernest About Editing
By James A Bresco James A Bresco. A well traveled and freedom loving adventurous male. James, a confirmed bachelor, closer to sixty than ever before, is passionate about writing and sailing, loves cooking; and thrives on Asian food, James lives aboard his boat and has no plans of going ashore, just yet. The day my […]
Poll Results: How much do you pay for eBooks?
A slightly delayed results post from a poll I conducted on my other website in February this year about how much you pay for eBooks. The good thing about leaving it so long to publish the results is that the polls have picked up a fair amount of votes in that time – not a […]
eBook Formatting – Creating a Linked Table of Contents Manually
eBook Formatting Tips Series – Video 1 When I started to think about having a channel on YouTube I wasn’t really sure what sort of videos I would create. After having had a steady stream of eBooks to format over the last couple of months and many people on my social media networks asking me […]