Review Advice from Bookbag

At, we have been reviewing books for the best part of a decade. Our site contains almost 9,000 reviews and we still get a little frisson of anticipation every time we begin reading something new. And we still read reviews by others with great enthusiasm, looking for something new and interesting. Readers are like […]

Generate More Traffic to your Blog for Free!

…and get more eBook sales in the process! If you’re an author then I assume your writing is at a standard where you can write really good articles. Do you write a blog? Maybe you write a column for a magazine or newspaper? One potential marketing opportunity that not many authors make use of is […]

Author Interview: Kurt Chambers

Interview with Kurt Chambers the author of Truth Teller.       How long have you been writing for? I started writing when I was in my mid-thirties, about eight years ago. I have to confess, I’m not one of those authors who have written since they could first pick up a pen that you […]

Amazon KDP Select Top Tips

If you don’t know what KDP Select is, it’s a service from Amazon Kindle which you can sign up to which makes your eBook exclusive to Amazon for a period of 90 days. During those 90 days you are not allowed to sell your eBook on any other platforms, so you will have to unpublish […]

Education Never Ends

By James A Bresco James A Bresco. A well traveled and freedom loving adventurous male. James, a confirmed bachelor, closer to sixty than ever before, is passionate about writing and sailing, loves cooking; and thrives on Asian food, James lives aboard his boat and has no plans of going ashore, just yet.  “Education never ends, […]

Social Media for Authors – Part 1

I am taking part in the Ultimate Blog Challenge and posting alternately between my blogs, you can read all about it at my other blog on this post: Like a Challenge? Join me on the Ultimate Blog Challenge this January! So for Day 2 I am going to go into some helpful tips for using social […]

Letter from a…

Dear Jo, I’m one of those people who write for a living. Strange tribe, it is! And I just might want to use your help. Let me tell you why: As a writer, my intention is to do what I know how to do best; what I’m still studying and training at; what I want […]

How to Self Publish your Book on a Budget…

The Internet has created a wealth of opportunities to each and every one of us.  For some of us it is our livelihood, for others it is a source of enjoyment and knowledge. If you are an author the Internet can boost your reach all over the world. Gone are the days when you have […]