It’s been a very long time since I wrote a blog post on this website, it’s partly because I am really busy formatting books that I don’t have a lot of time to talk about formatting them. So in this very brief message, I am still here, drowning in many books to format… and if you’re […]
Oct 4, 2016
Latest Formatted Books
By Jo
Filed Under: Blog, Client Books Tagged With: books, ebook formatting, eBooks, formatting, new release, self publishing
Apr 10, 2014
New Release Spotlight: Red Bride’s Noose
By Jo

by Alexandra Swistak Synopsis: Being a girl in a Sikh family can be a real killer. Camille Hayer should be preparing for a job interview—not ordered to pack her bags for a cousin’s wedding in rural Orissa. India is the last place on earth she would go to willingly; it’s where her sister disappeared thirteen […]
Filed Under: Author Profile, Blog Tagged With: author profile, books, new release