If you don’t know what KDP Select is, it’s a service from Amazon Kindle which you can sign up to which makes your eBook exclusive to Amazon for a period of 90 days. During those 90 days you are not allowed to sell your eBook on any other platforms, so you will have to unpublish […]
Amazon KDP Select Top Tips
Social Media for Authors – Part 2
As promised here is part 2 of the Social Media for Authors post which follows on from part 1, if you’ve not read that one yet, here is the link – Social Media for Authors Part 1. In the last post I went through some of the ways you can gain fans/followers, and a little […]
Education Never Ends
By James A Bresco James A Bresco. A well traveled and freedom loving adventurous male. James, a confirmed bachelor, closer to sixty than ever before, is passionate about writing and sailing, loves cooking; and thrives on Asian food, James lives aboard his boat and has no plans of going ashore, just yet. “Education never ends, […]
Social Media for Authors – Part 1
I am taking part in the Ultimate Blog Challenge and posting alternately between my blogs, you can read all about it at my other blog on this post: Like a Challenge? Join me on the Ultimate Blog Challenge this January! So for Day 2 I am going to go into some helpful tips for using social […]
How to Self Publish your Book on a Budget…
The Internet has created a wealth of opportunities to each and every one of us. For some of us it is our livelihood, for others it is a source of enjoyment and knowledge. If you are an author the Internet can boost your reach all over the world. Gone are the days when you have […]