If you’re publishing your eBook through Smashwords then you cannot use the inbuilt footnotes in Microsoft Word. As far as I’m aware Amazon will convert these, but Smashwords will flatly refuse. I managed to get round this by coming up with a way of keeping your footnotes, but format them slightly differently. It’s fiddly, so […]
Jul 16, 2013
Hyperlinked Footnotes
By Jo
Filed Under: Blog, FAQ's Tagged With: author help, ebook formatting, formatting, self publishing, tips, video
Feb 11, 2013
Exploding Book – No, it’s The Nuclear Method!
By Jo

My new blogging schedule which is now in full swing also includes providing you with a YouTube video on eBook formatting tips once per month. I had planned to create it in the middle of the month, but seem to have got ahead of myself. Last week I created a very short video on how […]
Filed Under: Blog, FAQ's Tagged With: author help, ebook formatting, formatting, self publishing, tips, video