Education Never Ends

By James A Bresco James A Bresco. A well traveled and freedom loving adventurous male. James, a confirmed bachelor, closer to sixty than ever before, is passionate about writing and sailing, loves cooking; and thrives on Asian food, James lives aboard his boat and has no plans of going ashore, just yet.  “Education never ends, […]

Paperback or eBook?

Enquirers sometimes ask me whether they should publish a paperback or an eBook, so I thought I should let you all know my opinion on this subject. eBooks are very easy to publish now we have the likes of Amazon KDP and Smashwords.  You write your book, get it proofread, format it yourself or get […]

Author Interview: Randall St. Germain

Interview with Randall St. Germain the author of Camino De Santiago in 20 Days. Why are you taking part in the author interview and what do you hope to achieve? I know you from Twitter and Goodreads, and admire the work that you do. I also feel I need to present myself better online, and this […]

Letter from a…

Dear Jo, I’m one of those people who write for a living. Strange tribe, it is! And I just might want to use your help. Let me tell you why: As a writer, my intention is to do what I know how to do best; what I’m still studying and training at; what I want […]

Want to write an eBook?

GUEST BLOG Antonia Chitty is an award winning entrepreneur and author of books on business. She helps people who want to write and publish an eBook via (now closed for 2012 sign-up’s) Have you thought about writing an eBook? An eBook is a book that is digitally delivered. It is sent, received and read online […]