Want to write an eBook?


Antonia Chitty is an award winning entrepreneur and author of books on business. She helps people who want to write and publish an eBook via www.createanebook.co.uk (now closed for 2012 sign-up’s)

Have you thought about writing an eBook? An eBook is a book that is digitally delivered. It is sent, received and read online or via an eReader like a Kindle. eBooks let you save lots of books on your PC or eReader making the process of reading more accessible, and great if you are travelling. For a writer or business expert, it is efficient and low cost to publish an eBook. Releasing books in this format means that you don’t need a publisher, your overheads are low and your profit margins can be high. This combination of factors makes eBooks an attractive proposition for anyone with knowledge to share, whether you have an unpublished novel or business expertise.

Here are 5 steps to help you write a non-fiction eBook:

1. Brainstorm all the subjects within the topic area that you want to cover. It may help to mind map these or create some sort of flow diagram. If you aren’t good with this sort of thing try writing all the sub topics down on bits of paper and shuffling them around until you have an order that makes sense. Now divide these into chapters.

2. Book regular times to write. Do you work best in the morning or evening? Whatever time you pick, set yourself a target. 500 words a day for 20 working days could see you completing a 10,000 word eBook within a month.

3. Check out your publishing options. You can simply sell pdfs via your own website and shopping cart, or use eJunkie or Clickbank. Alongside this, check out uploading your book to Kindle Direct Publish, to see it on Amazon, and Smashwords to make sure it reaches several further big websites like Barnes and Noble and Kobo.

4. Start to build a fan base or a database of clients so you can sell to them. Having a web presence is key and a blog is great for this.

5. Now, sell your book. Your marketing strategy should include social media, email marketing and ongoing offers and promotions. Find new markets for your eBook by considering the various sectors that might be interested in your eBook. Create specific campaigns geared towards this particular audience, use their language and tap into their unique problems and phrase the solution in a way that would appeal to them.

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